Monday, June 10, 2013

Schools Out For Summer!

Day One Hundred Eleven Overview

Day One Hundred Eleven Overview

Last Day Of School!
- we watched Apollo 13 and ate snacks
- I told the students how much of a pleasure it was to teach them this year
- I also wished all of the students luck on their final exams

- study study study for final exams
- have a great summer!

Science News

Day One Hundred Ten Overview

Day One Hundred Ten Overview

- with the first half of class we ran a question and answer session based on questions that the students developed from their year in review packets
     - each student in the class asked at least one question each until everybody in the class had asked a question
- with the rest of class we played review jeopardy
     - the winning teams in class received points for a free hw assignment

- study study study for final exams
- have a great summer!

Science News

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Review Materials for Final Exam - Answer Keys are Attached

Review Materials for Final Exam

Unit One Practice for Final

Chemistry Practice for Final

Electricity Practice for Final

Motion & Physics Practice for Final

Day One Hundred Nine Overview

Day One Hundred Nine Overview

- we began class with a warm up that asked the students to list as many forms of energy as they could
     - our list included potential energy, kinetic energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, sound energy, light energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, and electrical energy
- after our warm up we finished our notes about kinetic and potential energy
     - kinetic energy is the energy of motion
     - potential energy is stored energy
- we also talked about the law of conservation of energy
     - no energy is created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another or moves from object to object
     - the amount of energy in the universe is the same now and it always was
- with the last twenty minutes of class we played a review game using questions that the students had generated
     - the winning teams received candy

- write a news article based on our Physical Science: Year in Review packet

News Article Assignment

Science News
Jim Morrison Finally Gets His Lizard

Monday, June 3, 2013

Day One Hundred Eight Overview

Day One Hundred Eight Overview

- today the students took the written portion of the NYS Grade 8 Intermediate Level Science Test

- study for your Physical Science final!

Science News
Iron From the Sky

Friday, May 31, 2013

Physical Science Year in Review Sheet

Use this sheet to help you study for your NYS Science 8 test and for your Physical Science final!