Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day One Hundred Nine Overview

Day One Hundred Nine Overview

- we began class with a warm up that asked the students to list as many forms of energy as they could
     - our list included potential energy, kinetic energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, sound energy, light energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, and electrical energy
- after our warm up we finished our notes about kinetic and potential energy
     - kinetic energy is the energy of motion
     - potential energy is stored energy
- we also talked about the law of conservation of energy
     - no energy is created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another or moves from object to object
     - the amount of energy in the universe is the same now and it always was
- with the last twenty minutes of class we played a review game using questions that the students had generated
     - the winning teams received candy

- write a news article based on our Physical Science: Year in Review packet

News Article Assignment

Science News
Jim Morrison Finally Gets His Lizard

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