Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day Seventy Overview

Day Seventy Overview

- we spent the majority of the class going over the first 3 homework assignments
- after going over the homework we began working on a lab where the students are tasked with building a variety of circuits by using a computer program
     - the program allows the students to experiment with a number of different factors without the time that would be needed to use actual circuitry
- we spent about 10 minutes on the lab and will spend more time next class period

Short Circuit Lab


- make up any late work

Science News
Shark of the High Seas Actually a Homebody

Day Sixty Nine Overview

Day Sixty Nine Overview

- we began class by checking Section 3 of the Guided Reading
- after checking the homework we had a binder clean out session
- during the binder clean out session quizzes and other work was handed back
- after cleaning out our binders I had the students act out what the electrons look like in alternating current and direct current
- we then started to take notes about current and voltage


- make up any late work

Science News
When Sparks Fly

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Funny Batteries

Funny Batteries

Day Sixty Eight Overview

Day Sixty Eight Overview

- we started class with a short question session to help the students with areas of concern on their fruit battery labs
- I then collected the Fruit Battery Labs that were to be done for HW after last class
- after that, we will go through a Brain Pop activity that has to do with batteries
     - the students watched the Brain Pop clip a few times and used that along with their prior knowledge to fill out an accompanying worksheet
- we then reviewed the information that we have talked about in class including batteries, cells, and alternate sources of electricity
- we will then take a short quiz that has to do with batteries and electrical energy
- after the quiz we will watch a Bill Nye video that has to do with electrical circuits and electricity in general
- have a great BREAK!

- Section 3 of the Guided Reading Packet

Science News!
Meteor Hits Russia

Day Dixty Seven Overview

Day Sixty Seven Overview

- we began class by checking who completed Guided Reading Section 2
- after checking the reading we did some review on the notes that were introduced the day before
     - reintroduced key vocabulary
     - showed the students a visual of where the electrons go in a working battery
- I also introduced to the students how we get electricity from other sources besides batteries
- after notes the students began work on a fruit battery lab/activity
     - we didn't get a bunch of results but the students had a great learning experience!

- finish working on the Fruit Battery Lab for next class

Science News

Day Sixty Six Overview

Day Sixty Six Overview

- we began class by watching the last few minutes of the NOVA: Lightning video
- the students handed in their worksheets when they were done watching the movie
NOVA: Lightning Worksheet
- after finishing up the movie we had a brainstorm session about what the students already know about batteries
     - some of the words were came up with were positive end, negative end, rechargeable, volts, conductive, alkaline, and electrons
- after our brainstorm we took some notes on the parts of a cell and how it works
     - some of the vocab was electrolyte, load, electrode, anode, cathode, potential difference, and current


- finish Guided Reading section 2

Science News
Rumpelstilskin Molecule Spins Toxic Ions Into Gold Nuggets

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day Sixty Five Overview

Day Sixty Five Overview

- began class by checking section 1 of the Chapter 17 guided reading packet that had been assigned last week
- there were a few students that did not finish the work, even though they had been given class time to get a head start on the work
- after checking the homework we took a few minutes and independently studied some of our static electricity key words (conduction, friction, induction, electrons, protons, attract, repel, static discharge, lightning, static electricity)
- after studying we took a quiz vocabulary quiz based on those key words
- after we were done with the quiz we watched some more of the NOVA: Lightning video
NOVA: Lightning

- bring in examples of the craziest batteries you can find lying around the house (due next class)
- section 2 of the guided reading is due Wednesday 2/13

Science News
Electricity Gives Bubbles Super Strength

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lights of the World at Night

Funny Electricity

Day Sixty Four Overview

Day Sixty Four Overview

- we began class by checking the drawings of lighting that were assigned the previous class for homework
- we then did some more demonstrations with the Van De Graff generator
     - the Van De Graff can make hair stand up
     - the Van De Graff can also allow a finger to bend water
     - the Van De Graff can also charge metal objects and cause them to repel one another due to their like charges

- with the rest of class we began watching a NOVA lighting video that discusses the societal impacts of lightning

- Section 1 of the guided reading packet is due next class
- start gathering up some examples of batteries at your home, we will be gathering examples

Science News
Girls Lead In Science Exam, But Not In The United States

Day Sixty Three Overview

Day Sixty Three Overview

- we began class by talking about what conservation of charge means
     - no electrons are created or destroyed when we are talking about electricity, they just move from one spot to another
- we then reviewed a bit of previous concepts while going into some new things
- identified a shock as static discharge
- we then talked a little bit about lightning and how it is actually a form of static electricity
- explained to the students why we use lightning rods
      - students were confused why we would build things to make lightning strike them
      - explained that the rod is there as protection so the lightning can find its way to the ground
- lastly, we talked about why it is not safe to be in a wide open place during a lightning storm
      - a car is actually a very safe place to be during a lightning storm
Upward Lightning
Birth of Lightning
- at the end of class we used the Van De Graff generator to "spark" the class a little bit :)

- draw a picture EXPLAINING how lightning works

Science News
Shark's Reputation As Man Eaters Is Unfair

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day Sixty Two Overview

Day Sixty Two Overview

- we began class by performing our skits that we had planned out for homework
- after our skits I had the students work on some classwork to practice the concepts that had been introduced the day before in class

Electric Charge and Force
Static Electricity MC
Static Electricity MC Page 2
Electric Charges Practice

- the students we also assigned a Guided reading packet and were told to complete the first section by Friday 2/8

- finish the first section of the Electricity Directed Reading packet by Friday 2/8
Guided Reading - Page 1
Guided Reading - Page 2
Guided Reading - Page 3
Guided Reading - Page 4
Guided Reading - Page 5
Guided Reading - Page 6
Guided Reading - Page 7
Guided Reading - Page 8

Science News
What's Your Fish Thinking?

Day Sixty One Overview

Day Sixty One Overview

- began class by asking the students to describe in their own words why a dryer sheet ends up stuck to the clothes in the laundry
- I then showed the students a demonstration where a used static electricity to make a balloon bend a stream of water without touching the stream of water
     - the students were asked to explain the demonstration using a picture
    - I made a model on the front board that the students were asked to check against theirs
    - most students needed to add electrons to their drawing
- I then played a short audio clip that explained why dryer sheets end up stuck to clothes instead of the clothes being stuck together
- I stressed to the students that opposite charges attract and like charges repel
- the students also visualized examples of the three ways that something can become charged
     - friction - when electrons are wiped from one object to another
     - conduction - when electrons move from one object to another through direct contact
     - induction - when electrons can arrange charges on another object without direct contact

Warm Up Sheet
Ticket Out The Door

- plan your skits of induction, conduction, and friction for the next day in class

Science News
California Irrigation Changes Weather Patterns in the American Southwest