Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day Thirty Six Overview

Day Thirty Six Overview

- finished watching the video on the greatest discoveries in chemistry

Greatest Discoveries in Chemistry

- challenged the students to make a list of all the elements that they could think of
     - the students were allowed to work in groups of three on this activity
- the ticket out the door for the day was for the students to write a paragraph with at least 5 sentences that answered the following questions
     - what was the most important discovery that you saw?
     - what makes it important?
     - what makes it more important than all the others?
     - how do we feel the effects of this discovery presently in our day to day lives?
- the students were also given an extra credit crossword puzzle to complete if they finished all of their other work

Science News

Harnessing Photons From the Sun for Electricity

- make up any late work (check the missing work board and get your name off of it!!!!)

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