Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day Forty Overview

Day Forty Overview

- warmed up with the question "Why do we not just have elements everywhere?  Isn't everything we need made of elements?  Why would we need anything else?"
- students gave great answers, mostly dealing with the concept that even though everything is made of elements we mostly use those elements as "building blocks" for the molecules that are used in life
- we then took notes on what a compound is and why they are important
- we listed some important compounds
- compounds must ...
     - be chemically combined
     - can only be separated chemically
     - have unique properties from the elements that form them

Compounds Video


- make up any late work
- begin thinking about your favorite element, start to do some research that you would use in a future project about that favorite element

Science News
Quantum Thermodynamics - How Atoms Soak Up Their Surroundings

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