Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day Thirty Eight Overview

Day Thirty Eight Overview

- warmed up with a challenge to the student where I asked "how many atoms are in one grain of salt?"
     - students were amazed by the number, 120,000,000,000,000,000!
- the students watched a TedTalk video which explained just how small an atom is through the use of analogies

Just How Small is an Atom?

- students took notes on what the information in a periodic table square actually means

Element Atomic Info Notes

- students were then able to take a square on the periodic table and figure out exactly how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in one atom of that elements
     - they were able to do this by using the atomic number and the atomic mass
- students practiced this skill with a few elements on the periodic table
- the students then used the information they had determined, and applied it to drawing pictures of atoms of specific elements

- draw a picture of one atom of an element with an atomic number greater than 10
- it will be checked the next day in class

Science News
Oil-Dispersing Chemicals Had Little Effect on Gulf Oil Spill

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