Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day Forty Eight Overview

Day Forty Eight Overview

- the class took a unit test on the various topics that we covered in unit 2
- after the test the students watched the Planet Earth documentary "Ice Worlds" as a reward for their previous hard work

Ice Worlds

- get in your Facebook projects by Friday 12/21
- have a great break!

Science News
The Year in Science Pictures

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day Forty Seven Overview

Day Forty Seven Overview

- we began class by going over the review packet and answering any relevant questions
- after going over the packer we played a review football game on the Smartboard
- the winning team received bonus points on their upcoming test

- study for test!!!!!
- Facebook Project due Friday 12/21

Science News
Paralyzed Woman Controls Robotic Arm With Her Thoughts

Day Forty Six Overview

Day Forty Six Overview

- we began class with a warmup activity that asked the students to fill in the blanks of a review diagram
- after the warmup activity we spent class doing more practice balancing equations
- the practice involved using candy pieces to help visually demonstrate what it is like to balance an equation

Sweetly Balanced Equations

- once the activity was done the students were assigned review sheets for their upcoming test
- we also watched two short movie clips to help review some earlier concepts

Study Jams - Elements and Compounds
Study James - Mixtures

Unit 2 Review Sheet

- finish review sheet for next class
- Alka Seltzer Labs are due and should be turned in!
- Facebook Projects due Friday 12/21

Science News
Engineering Organs

Day Forty Five Overview

Day Forty Five Overview

- we started class by going over the Balancing Equations Worksheet
- after we went over the worksheet the students had the rest of the class as a work day for their Facebook projects
- most students used their time wisely and got quite a bit of work done in the period


- Alka Seltzer Lab due Friday 12/14
- Facebook Project 12/21

Science News

A Scrapbook of the Universe

Day Forty Four Overview

Day Forty Four Overview

- in this class the students learned both how to count atoms in compounds as well as how to balance equations
- the students were introduced to the Law of Conservation of Mass
     - the Law of Conservation of Mass basically states that matter is never created or destroyed, atoms are just rearranged
     - this was used as the basis for explaining to the students why they even need to balance equations
- the students were assigned a worksheet to help them practice balancing equations

Balancing Equations Worksheet

- we had some time at the end of class for the students to begin their homework and ask me questions if need be
- I also invited any students to come in and see me for extra help if they were confused


- Balancing Equations Sheet due next class
- Alka Seltzer Lab due Friday 12/14
- Facebook Project due Friday 12/21

Science News

Mistletoe Helps Feed Forests

Facebook Page Template

Use this Powerpoint as a Template for making your Facebook project

Facebook Project Template

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day Forty Three Overview

Day Forty Three Overview

- for a warm up the class looked over the steps for the experiment that the class had completed at the end of the previous period
- the class then completed their Alka Seltzer Labs
     - the lab involved testing whether or not stirring or water temperature has an impact on the solubility of an Alka Seltzer tablet in water
     - the students then answered questions involving what steps of the scientific method were used in the experiment
- when the students had completed the lab they were asked to complete 5 other experiments of their choosing based on the knowledge they has just acquired

Solubility Challenge

- Alka Seltzer Lab due Friday 12/14
- Facebook project due Friday 12/21

Science News
Turning Pull Into Push

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day Forty Two Overview

Day Forty Two Overview

- as a class we went over the homework assignment that dealt with using the solubility curves

- there was some initial confusion because there is quite a bit to read and be familiar with in one of these graphs but after going over each problem the students seemed much more comfortable
- after going over the homework we started working on a lab that dealt with the concept of solubility, something we had taken notes on the class period prior

- in class we started the lab and wrote up a procedure for what the students would work on the next day in class
- after the early stages of the lab the students took notes on the last two kinds of mixtures, suspensions and colloids

- Alka Seltzer Lab is due Friday 12/14
- Facebook project is due Friday 12/21

Science News

Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Gizmo Sign On

Ms. Krueger has graciously signed us up for another gizmo trial, that those of you who are still late with your labs can use.

id: victorjuniorhighschool
password: krueger

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day Forty One

Day Forty One

- warmed up with the question "If you were at home, how would you make something dissolve quicker than normal?  What would you do?"
- students came up with great answers including ...
     - heat the liquid
     - break up pieces of what you dissolving
     - add pressure
- we took notes on the specifics of solutions and also solubility
- introduced some new vocabulary
     - solute
     - solvent
     - solubility
     - saturated
     - unsaturated
- showed the students solubility curves and how to use them to predict how much of a solute will dissolve in water (the solvent) at various temperatures

- finish solubility graph worksheet (it will be checked next class)
Solubility Graph HW

Science News!
HYDROglyphics - Messages in Water

Day Forty Overview

Day Forty Overview

- warmed up with the question "Why do we not just have elements everywhere?  Isn't everything we need made of elements?  Why would we need anything else?"
- students gave great answers, mostly dealing with the concept that even though everything is made of elements we mostly use those elements as "building blocks" for the molecules that are used in life
- we then took notes on what a compound is and why they are important
- we listed some important compounds
- compounds must ...
     - be chemically combined
     - can only be separated chemically
     - have unique properties from the elements that form them

Compounds Video


- make up any late work
- begin thinking about your favorite element, start to do some research that you would use in a future project about that favorite element

Science News
Quantum Thermodynamics - How Atoms Soak Up Their Surroundings

Day Thirty Nine Overview

Day Thirty Nine Overview

- worked on a marshmallow atom activity
- reinforced how to find protons, neutrons, and electrons
- students had to interpret a model marshmallow atom and make their own model

Marshmallow Atoms

- after making their atoms the students worked on transferring their notes from the first day of the unit into their note packets

- make up any late work

Science News
Visualizing the Structures of Molecules

Day Thirty Eight Overview

Day Thirty Eight Overview

- warmed up with a challenge to the student where I asked "how many atoms are in one grain of salt?"
     - students were amazed by the number, 120,000,000,000,000,000!
- the students watched a TedTalk video which explained just how small an atom is through the use of analogies

Just How Small is an Atom?

- students took notes on what the information in a periodic table square actually means

Element Atomic Info Notes

- students were then able to take a square on the periodic table and figure out exactly how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in one atom of that elements
     - they were able to do this by using the atomic number and the atomic mass
- students practiced this skill with a few elements on the periodic table
- the students then used the information they had determined, and applied it to drawing pictures of atoms of specific elements

- draw a picture of one atom of an element with an atomic number greater than 10
- it will be checked the next day in class

Science News
Oil-Dispersing Chemicals Had Little Effect on Gulf Oil Spill

Day Thirty Seven Overview

Day Thirty Seven Overview

- took 10 minutes or so to clean out binders
     - we kept both previous note packets and our vocab sheet in our binders
- began taking notes on the Introduction to Elements

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Note Packet

     - we did not have note packets in yet so we took notes on a separate sheet of paper
- what is a metal, non-metal, and metalloid
- gave the students some examples of each

- make up any late work (gizmos, stories, tests/quizzes)

Science News
New Way to Protect Historic Limestone Buildings