Monday, October 22, 2012

Day Twenty One Overview

Day Twenty One Overview

- we began class with some class discussion to review concepts that had to do with the density of liquids
     - If liquids were in a cup which ones would flow to the bottom?  Which ones would stay on top?  Would all of them just mix and not separate out into layers?
- I had the class try to predict what order the following liquids would separate out into ... water, honey, pancake syrup, alcohol, dish soap, and vegetable oil
- after all of the class predictions we went over what the properties of dense and not dense liquids are
- I then told the class the answer to their prediction problem and got them started on completing their own "Density Tower"
- the finished products looked something like this

- the students were asked to complete an accompanying worksheet that will be counted as a lab grade
Density Tower of Liquid

- complete Density Tower worksheet by next class

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Offsetting Global Warming

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