Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day Sixty Overview

Day Sixty Overview

- at the beginning of class the students got into groups and brainstormed all that they knew about electricity
     - What uses electricity?
     - What is electricity?
     - What famous people were involved with electricity?
- our list consisted of things like circuits, lightning, Edison, positive, negative, cars, lights, and "clean energy"
- after coming up with out individual, group, and class lists I introduced the students to Nikola Tesla
     - Tesla invented numerous devices and technologies pertaining to electricity
     - most of the things that he invented or discovered remain almost unchanged in modern society
- I then showed the students a video about Nikola Tesla called Mad Electricity
     - the students to challenged to write down as many inventions as they could that Tesla developed

Mad Electricity

- wrap up any second quarter loose ends

Science News
Double Helix Serves Double Duty

Day Fifty Eight Overview

Day Fifty Eight Overview

- we watched a clip from the NOVA episode "Hunting Elements" and filled out an accompanying worksheet
Hunting the Elements Video

- get in all of the second quarter work in so your do not have any 0's!

Science News
Microbes Survive, and Maybe Thrive, High in the Atmosphere

Day Fifty Seven Overview

Day Fifty Seven Overview

- the students took their test on the periodic table

- take a breather because you have been working very hard lately!

Science News
So Long, Mr. Spock

Day Fifty Six Overview

Day Fifty Six Overview

- we began class by going over the review sheets that the students had been assigned the previous night for homework
- after going over the review sheet we played review football on the Smartboard

- review notes and review sheet for test next class

Science News
Polaris: Not So Close After All

Day Fifty Five Overview

Day Fifty Five Overview

- we reviewed as a class the last few periodic table groups ... the Halogens and the Noble Gases
- reviewed that the Halogens are extremely reactive because they are missing one outer shell electron
- also reviewed that the Noble gases are not reactive at all because they have their outer shell full of electrons and have no urge to give up or gain electrons
- we then finished up notes with some discussion and notes on Hydrogen, which does not fit into any of the periodic table groups
- we then watched a short video clip that demonstrated how it is possible to isolate hydrogen gas from things around the house
- with the rest of class the students were given their review sheet for the upcoming test and given some class time to get started on it

Periodic Table Review Sheet

- finish the review sheet by the next class period so we can go over it in class

Science News!
Magnetic Sun Produces Hot Hot Heat

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day Fifty Four Overview

Day Fifty Four Overview

- we began class with some practice work to make sure that the students have mastered the concepts presented so far in the unit
- one of the practice sheets involved the students drawing electron configurations and determining valence electrons

Electron Configurations 

- the other worksheet involved the students being able to determine the difference between a period and group on the periodic table
- the students used this knowledge to take period and group information and then find the corresponding element

- we then played a fun game that asked the students to take a periodic table symbol and figure out what the name of the element is
- the winning students received a prize from Mr. H!

- finish the worksheets that were being worked on in class

Science News
What You Should Know About This Years Flu

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day Fifty Three Overview

Day Fifty Three Overview

- we began class with a set of Periodic Table riddles
     - these were designed for the same purpose as the puns, to continue to expose the students to the Periodic Table

Periodic Table Riddles

- the rest of class was a work day for the Periodic Table Basics Lab

- finish the Periodic Table Basics Lab

Science NEWS
Digital Globes

Day Fifty Two Overview

Day Fifty Two Overview

- we began class with a short "scavenger hunt" based on the Periodic Table
     - students were asked to find names, atomic symbols, atomic numbers, protons, neutrons, electrons, or electron configurations for a number of different elements
- after going over the warm up activity I began the students on the latest lab "Periodic Table Basics"
     - in the lab students fill out cards that correspond with a number of the elements on the Periodic Table
    - the cards ask for information like atomic number, atomic mass, state of matter, melting point, boiling point, properties, uses, and electron diagrams
     - the students worked in groups on this part and when the cards are finished they are put on a large piece of construction paper and arranged into a mock Periodic Table
     - after the mock Periodic Table the students have a set of questions that they are to complete on their own

Periodic Table Basics

Periodic Table Basics - Cards

- finish the Periodic Table Basics lab

Science News
Antenna Array Lights Up

Day Fifty One Overview

Day Fifty One Overview

- we began class by working on a worksheet titled "Periodic Table Puns"
     - the goal of the activity was to get the students more familiar with using the Periodic Table and subsequently more familiar with the names of elements on the Periodic Table

Periodic Table Puns

- after going over the Puns worksheet I introduced some more of the groups on the Periodic Table to the class
     - some of the groups were the Alkali Earth Metals and the Transition Metals
     - some examples of Alkali Earth Metals are Magnesium and Calcium
     - some examples of Transition Metals are Gold, Silver, and Copper
- at the end of class I gave the students some time to work on a homework assignment
     - the homework assignment involved the students finding a news article on the Periodic Table and writing a 2 paragraph summary and response to it

Periodic Table in the News

Extra Credit
Periodic Table Puns 2

Science in the News
Has the Milky Way Lost Weight?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day Fifty Overview

Day Fifty Overview

- started class by having the students color in the most important groups on the Periodic Table
     - alkali metals, alkali earth metals, boron group, carbon group, nitrogen group, oxygen group, halogens, noble gases, actinides, and lanthanides
- we then watched a 15 minute video clip that described elements from the transition metals, halogens, and alkali metals

Ferocious Elements

- as a class we discussed what the groups and periods on the Periodic Table mean
- we then identified key characteristics of the Alkali Metals and watched a video of Cesium blowing of a glass container!

Alkali Metals in Water

- get in late work

Science News
Ancient Meteorite Shows Hint Of Life on Mars

Element News Links

Element News Links

Elusive Element 113 Finally created

2 Elements Get New Names

4 rare elements that will get more important 

Using The Rarest Element to Study the Rarest Force

Day Forty Nine Overview

Day Forty Nine Overview

- went over the student's Unit 2 test
- asked the students a warm up question ... "what do you think are the most explosive/reactive elements on the Periodic Table?  Why do you think what you think?"
- I got a variety of responses ranging from uranium, cesium, hydrogen, and oxygen
- because the internet connection had stalled the students began work on their note packet and we began to discuss why the elements are grouped the way they are

Unit 3 Note Packet

     - into columns called groups and into rows called periods
     - columns have elements with the same amount of valence electrons
     - rows have elements with the same amount of electron holding shells

- make sure to hand in Alka Seltzer labs and FACEBOOK PROJECTS

Science in the News
A Sciencey Way to Use An Old Christmas Tree