Friday, January 11, 2013

Day Fifty Two Overview

Day Fifty Two Overview

- we began class with a short "scavenger hunt" based on the Periodic Table
     - students were asked to find names, atomic symbols, atomic numbers, protons, neutrons, electrons, or electron configurations for a number of different elements
- after going over the warm up activity I began the students on the latest lab "Periodic Table Basics"
     - in the lab students fill out cards that correspond with a number of the elements on the Periodic Table
    - the cards ask for information like atomic number, atomic mass, state of matter, melting point, boiling point, properties, uses, and electron diagrams
     - the students worked in groups on this part and when the cards are finished they are put on a large piece of construction paper and arranged into a mock Periodic Table
     - after the mock Periodic Table the students have a set of questions that they are to complete on their own

Periodic Table Basics

Periodic Table Basics - Cards

- finish the Periodic Table Basics lab

Science News
Antenna Array Lights Up

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