Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day Sixty Overview

Day Sixty Overview

- at the beginning of class the students got into groups and brainstormed all that they knew about electricity
     - What uses electricity?
     - What is electricity?
     - What famous people were involved with electricity?
- our list consisted of things like circuits, lightning, Edison, positive, negative, cars, lights, and "clean energy"
- after coming up with out individual, group, and class lists I introduced the students to Nikola Tesla
     - Tesla invented numerous devices and technologies pertaining to electricity
     - most of the things that he invented or discovered remain almost unchanged in modern society
- I then showed the students a video about Nikola Tesla called Mad Electricity
     - the students to challenged to write down as many inventions as they could that Tesla developed

Mad Electricity

- wrap up any second quarter loose ends

Science News
Double Helix Serves Double Duty

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