Friday, January 11, 2013

Day Fifty One Overview

Day Fifty One Overview

- we began class by working on a worksheet titled "Periodic Table Puns"
     - the goal of the activity was to get the students more familiar with using the Periodic Table and subsequently more familiar with the names of elements on the Periodic Table

Periodic Table Puns

- after going over the Puns worksheet I introduced some more of the groups on the Periodic Table to the class
     - some of the groups were the Alkali Earth Metals and the Transition Metals
     - some examples of Alkali Earth Metals are Magnesium and Calcium
     - some examples of Transition Metals are Gold, Silver, and Copper
- at the end of class I gave the students some time to work on a homework assignment
     - the homework assignment involved the students finding a news article on the Periodic Table and writing a 2 paragraph summary and response to it

Periodic Table in the News

Extra Credit
Periodic Table Puns 2

Science in the News
Has the Milky Way Lost Weight?

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