Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day Fifty Five Overview

Day Fifty Five Overview

- we reviewed as a class the last few periodic table groups ... the Halogens and the Noble Gases
- reviewed that the Halogens are extremely reactive because they are missing one outer shell electron
- also reviewed that the Noble gases are not reactive at all because they have their outer shell full of electrons and have no urge to give up or gain electrons
- we then finished up notes with some discussion and notes on Hydrogen, which does not fit into any of the periodic table groups
- we then watched a short video clip that demonstrated how it is possible to isolate hydrogen gas from things around the house
- with the rest of class the students were given their review sheet for the upcoming test and given some class time to get started on it

Periodic Table Review Sheet

- finish the review sheet by the next class period so we can go over it in class

Science News!
Magnetic Sun Produces Hot Hot Heat

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