Thursday, March 21, 2013

Volcano Eruption Seen From Space!

Day Eighty One Overview

Day Eighty One Overview

- we began class by taking a quiz based on the material we have been learning in class for the last week or so
     - the students were asked to identify the formulas used to find speed, distance and time
     - the students were also asked to explain what a reference point is and why it is important
     - the students were then asked to solve a few problems where they were supposed to apply their knowledge of the formulas
- after taking the quiz the students began working on a lab where they were asked to calculate the speed of hot wheel cars at a number of distances
     - we turned the classroom into a racetrack and marked the floor with various distances
     - using stopwatches the students took times and calculated the speed of their cars

- finish up guided reading number 2

Science News

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day Eighty Overview

Day Eighty Overview

- we warmed up by trying to determine what the fastest thing they could think of would be, excluding the speed of light
     - I told the winning group that they would get free homework passes
     - the winning group came up with a shooting star as the fastest thing they could think of
     - a shooting star moves at up to 160,000 miles per hour
- we then finished our speed notes
- after finishing up the speed notes we worked as a class on the last set of practice speed problems
- we went over the answers to the problems as a class

- study for your quiz
- work on the second section of their guided reading

Science News
Teens Mature Intellectually Before They Mature Emotionally

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day Seventy Nine Overview

Day Seventy Nine Overview

- I began class by having the students work in pairs to develop their own speed word problems
     - the students were asked to come up with 2 word problems per group, and each problem was to be solved for either speed, distance, or time
     - they could not be solving for the same thing in both problems
- after developing the word problems the students were asked to swap papers with other groups so they could complete the other class problems
     - the students were asked to complete one problem from 2 different groups
- after the warm up activity we went over the homework worksheet
- after going over the homework we took some brief notes on what it means to combine velocities
     - I asked the students "If you are in a bus traveling 15 m/s east, and you get up and walk down the aisle of the bus going the opposite direction as the bus, are you still traveling 15 m/s east?"
     - after some debate the students began to understand that you would actually be traveling slightly slower than the bus because you are moving with a small velocity in the opposite direction
- the last 5 minutes of class the students were able to get a start on their homework

- Speed Machines worksheet

Speed Machines - Page 1
Speed Machines - Page 2

Science News
Solar Blast Suspected in Tree Ring Mystery

Day Seventy Eight Overview

Day Seventy Eight Overview

- we began notes on speed and velocity

Motion Powerpoint For Notes

     - one of the key points for students to remember is that speed has no direction and velocity always does
     - besides that, they are both calculated the same way
     - in addition the students were taught the basic speed formula (v = d/t)
     - they were given a triangle with the three variables in the speed formula to help them manipulate the formula and find other values besides just speed or velocity, depending on what they are given in a problem

- finish the "Triangle" speed worksheet

Speed Triangle Worksheet

Science News
Earthquakes Deposit Gold in Fault Zones

Day Seventy Seven Overview

Day Seventy Seven Overview

- the first half of class was spent finishing watching the "Einstein's Big Idea" video
     - students finished up answering the corresponding worksheet questions that they were assigned to complete while watching the video
- we then had a class discussion about why I had the students watch this movie, and what the significance of Einstein is
     - the worksheets that the students completed were worth two homework assignments because quite a bit of class time was spent on this movie
- with the second half of class the students played a matching game to get them started thinking about motion
     - the game asked the students to match objects and their corresponding top speeds
     - the group to match the most correctly received free homework passes

- Guided Reading Number 1

Motion Guided Reading - Page 1
Motion Guided Reading - Page 2
Motion Guided Reading - Page 3
Motion Guided Reading - Page 4
Motion Guided Reading - Page 5
Motion Guided Reading - Page 6
Motion Guided Reading - Page 7

Science News
Higgs Boson Positively Identified

Day Seventy Six Overview

Day Seventy Six Overview

- we spent most of the class continuing to watch the "Einstein's Big Idea" video
- most of the video was spent going over the scientists before Einstein that played major roles in helping him develop his important theories

- make up any late work and take a much needed break!

Science News
Particle Collisions Could Create Twin Black Holes

Day Seventy Five Overview

Day Seventy Five Overview

- Electricity TEST
- after the test we started watching a movie that ties together all the concepts we have talked about so far this year, as well as our next topic ... motion
     - the movie is about the life of Einstein and a number of other scientists as their discoveries and insights led to the development of the formula E = mc^2

Einsteins Big idea - Part 1
Einsteins Big Idea - Part 2
Einstein Worksheet - Page 1
Einstein Worksheet - Page 2
Einstein Worksheet - Page 3
Einstein Worksheet - Page 4

- make up any late work and take a much needed break!

Science News
Mars Was Habitable, but No Sign of Inhabitants

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day Seventy Four Overview

Day Seventy Four Overview

- at the start of class I checked whether the students finished the review packet or not
- after checking for completion we went over the answers to the review packet
- to finish class we played a football review game on the Smartboard
     - almost all of the students answered all of the questions correctly

Electricity Review Sheet

- study for the upcoming electricity test

Science News!
A Better Cosmic Yardstick

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day Seventy Three Overview

Day Seventy Three Overview

- we began class by reviewing what makes a series and parallel circuit different
     - this was accomplished by having the students attempt to draw circuit diagrams of both these kind of circuits
     - most of the students understood the concept at a high level and were able to show the differences between the two circuits, even with little experience drawing circuits

- after the warm up the students went into lab to attempt building circuits using the actual diagrams ... no paper or computers needed!
- almost all of the students were able to build parallel circuits with individual circuits ... very impressive

- review packet / study for test

Science News

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day Seventy Two Overview

Day Seventy Two Overview

- we spent quite a bit of time talking about circuits
- we learned that there are parts of a circuit
     - load, wire, switch, and a power source
- there are two types of circuits ... series and parallel
- series circuits are all connected in one loop
     - if there is any break in a series circuit none of the loads will work
- parallel circuits allow for more than one path for the electrons to make their way around the circuit
     - if there is a break in a parallel circuit some of the loads will still work, depending on where the break is
- circuit breakers and fuses protect our homes from overloaded circuits that draw too much electricity
     - they work by opening circuits when they are drawing too much electricity, and therefore turning them off

- finish the Short Circuit Lab write up for next class
- get working on your review packet

Science News
The Great Shark Massacre

Day Seventy One Overview

Day Seventy One Overview

- we spent the majority of the class finishing the Short Circuit Virtual Lab
- the kids had quite the learning experience figuring out how to put their new-found knowledge of voltage, current, and resistance into practice
- every now and then the students started a virtual fire :)
- the students were introduced to the terms series and parallel circuits

- we also finished up taking notes for the third section of the electricity unit

- Guided Reading Section 4 due next class

Science News