Monday, March 18, 2013

Day Seventy Nine Overview

Day Seventy Nine Overview

- I began class by having the students work in pairs to develop their own speed word problems
     - the students were asked to come up with 2 word problems per group, and each problem was to be solved for either speed, distance, or time
     - they could not be solving for the same thing in both problems
- after developing the word problems the students were asked to swap papers with other groups so they could complete the other class problems
     - the students were asked to complete one problem from 2 different groups
- after the warm up activity we went over the homework worksheet
- after going over the homework we took some brief notes on what it means to combine velocities
     - I asked the students "If you are in a bus traveling 15 m/s east, and you get up and walk down the aisle of the bus going the opposite direction as the bus, are you still traveling 15 m/s east?"
     - after some debate the students began to understand that you would actually be traveling slightly slower than the bus because you are moving with a small velocity in the opposite direction
- the last 5 minutes of class the students were able to get a start on their homework

- Speed Machines worksheet

Speed Machines - Page 1
Speed Machines - Page 2

Science News
Solar Blast Suspected in Tree Ring Mystery

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