Monday, March 4, 2013

Day Seventy Two Overview

Day Seventy Two Overview

- we spent quite a bit of time talking about circuits
- we learned that there are parts of a circuit
     - load, wire, switch, and a power source
- there are two types of circuits ... series and parallel
- series circuits are all connected in one loop
     - if there is any break in a series circuit none of the loads will work
- parallel circuits allow for more than one path for the electrons to make their way around the circuit
     - if there is a break in a parallel circuit some of the loads will still work, depending on where the break is
- circuit breakers and fuses protect our homes from overloaded circuits that draw too much electricity
     - they work by opening circuits when they are drawing too much electricity, and therefore turning them off

- finish the Short Circuit Lab write up for next class
- get working on your review packet

Science News
The Great Shark Massacre

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