Friday, April 26, 2013

Day Ninety Four Overview

Day Ninety Four Overview

- we began class with two short warmup questions related to gravity
     - one question asked ... What do you think would happen if you rang out a soaked towel while on a spaceship?
     - the other question asked ... Do you think it is possible to grow a plant on a spaceship?

Gravity Warmup

- I then showed the class the answer to both of their questions

What Happens When You Wring a Washcloth In Orbit

Plants Grow Fine Without Gravity

- before getting into notes I showed the students a MinutePhysics clip

- we then began to take our first set of notes for the unit Forces in Motion

Forces in Motion Notes

- gravity as a force of attraction was explained to the students
     - it is not just the Earth pulling you towards the center of the Earth, you also pull the center of the Earth towards you!
- as mass increases gravity increases
     - think of a weightlifter
          - the more plates that are added, the more pull downwards from gravity
- as distance increases gravity decreases
     - think of a long distance relationship
          - the more distance the less attraction (for the most part :) )
- we also talked about the difference between mass and weight
- with the last few minutes of class the students were handed a reading and a half sheet of questions to complete for homework

How Does Gravity Work Article

Gravity Homework

- complete the half sheet of questions that were assigned with the How Does Gravity Work Article

Science News
Solving The Mystery of Supercharged Lightning

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