Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day Ninety Eight Overview

Day Ninety Eight Overview

- we began class by answering three questions for a warm up
     1.  What part of your egg drop design worked well?  explain
     2.  What part of your egg drop design worked poorly?  explain
     3.  Suggest a way to improve your design if you were to perform this activity again.  Be specific
- after the warm up we watched a Bill Nye movie about gravity
     - the clip does a great job explaining to the students that all matter experiences gravity
     - the clip also shows footage from the Apollo 15 mission where an astronaut drops a hammer and a feather and they fall at the same rate, proving that everything accelerates due to gravity at the same rate

- this is a short video clip of one part of the video I showed the students
- after Bill Nye we began discussion of Newton's first law of motion
     - Newton's first law of motion states that an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force
- I used a tennis ball to demonstrate to the students some key parts of Newton's first law 
- after the in class demonstration the students watched two short video clips to reinforce the first law

- write a paragraph of at least 4 sentences explaining a real world example of Newtons First Law

Science News

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