Monday, May 13, 2013

Day One Hundred Overview

Day One Hundred Overview

- we began class by reviewing the first two Newton's Laws
     - Law #1 - objects in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest
     - Law #2 - force, mass, and acceleration are all related
- we then did some practice calculation work using the F = ma formula
     - the students worked in groups and were given approximately 15 minutes to complete a list of problems that asked the students to solve for mass, acceleration, and force
          - after the students were done working we went over the answers as a class

F = ma worksheet

- we then went over Newton's Third Law
     - objects that exert a force on something have an equal and opposite force exerted on them
     - with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

- Which Law Is It? worksheet

Which Law is it? worksheet

Science News

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