Friday, May 3, 2013

Day Ninety Five Overview

Day Ninety Five Overview

- to begin class I checked/went over the half page of questions that went along with the gravity news article
     - without gravity we would float away from the earth
     - gravity is a function of mass and distance
     - another name for the force of gravity pulling on an object is weight
     - Einstein thought gravity was a ripple in space time
     - everything falls at the same rate because it has the same pull from gravity
- we then did a 15 minute binder clean out
     - I asked the students to keep any tests/quizzes, note packets, review sheets, and anything to do with the current unit
- we then got into taking some more notes about forces in motion
     - the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s/s for any object
          - that means that EVERYTHING with matter should fall towards earth at the same rate, and almost everything does
          - feathers and paper don't ... but why?
     - air resistance!
     - things are slowed down by air resistance so we cannot see the true effect of gravity
     - when air resistance catches up to gravity an object reaches its terminal velocity
- we then discussed how something orbits along with projectile motion
     - for things to move in a curved path there is an average of two forces
          - things can fall while also moving horizontally
- to test out the theory of projectile motion I had the students watch a clip from Mythbusters

- bring in extra materials from home to use during our amazing egg drop challenge

Science News
Survival of the Fittest, Inside a Shark's Womb

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