Monday, May 13, 2013

Day Ninety Nine Overview

Day Ninety Nine Overview

- we began class by discussing our homework
     - I asked the students if anybody would like to share what they wrote for their paragraph on Newton's First Law
     - one of the best examples that I heard was a student that used an air hockey table as an example of Newton's First Law
          - if the table was infinitely large, one would assume that the puck would move for quite a long time if it was motion ... almost forever
          - the only reason that the puck would come to a stop would be that it was acted upon by an outside force
          - that force could be friction, a paddle, the air hockey goal ... a number of things
- after discussing our homework paragraph we began to take notes through Newton's Second Law
     - Newton's Second Law states that force, mass, and acceleration are all related to one another
          - F = ma
          - I demonstrated to the students how if a tennis ball with a certain mass can have more force if you increase it's acceleration
     - we watched a couple video clips to help cement the concept

- after watching the clips we went through some examples of Newton's First Law 
     - dominoes
     - pulling out a table cloth
     - barbie car crash

- finish the online portion of the Newton's First Law station worksheet

Science News

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