Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day One Hundred Four Overview

Day One Hundred Four Overview

- I asked the students to hand in their Energy Resources Packets that they had completed for homework
- I then explained to the students that the end of the year is upon us and things are about to get a little crazy!
- next week the students have the Lab portion of their NYS Science 8 assessment, where they are tested on what they have learned in Science from 5th grade through 8th grade
- this class we worked on practicing Physics concepts that they may have to demonstrate on their Lab assessment
     - it was run as a practice test, and will be very similar to what they see for their actual Lab assessment
     - the students were given 15 minutes each to finish two stations ... the ball and ramp, and density of soaps
- after the practice I brought the students back into the classroom to review some key features of the assessment and stress to them how important reading directions is

- make up any late work

Science News
Why Most Snails Coil To The Right

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