Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day Forty Eight Overview

Day Forty Eight Overview

- the class took a unit test on the various topics that we covered in unit 2
- after the test the students watched the Planet Earth documentary "Ice Worlds" as a reward for their previous hard work

Ice Worlds

- get in your Facebook projects by Friday 12/21
- have a great break!

Science News
The Year in Science Pictures

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day Forty Seven Overview

Day Forty Seven Overview

- we began class by going over the review packet and answering any relevant questions
- after going over the packer we played a review football game on the Smartboard
- the winning team received bonus points on their upcoming test

- study for test!!!!!
- Facebook Project due Friday 12/21

Science News
Paralyzed Woman Controls Robotic Arm With Her Thoughts

Day Forty Six Overview

Day Forty Six Overview

- we began class with a warmup activity that asked the students to fill in the blanks of a review diagram
- after the warmup activity we spent class doing more practice balancing equations
- the practice involved using candy pieces to help visually demonstrate what it is like to balance an equation

Sweetly Balanced Equations

- once the activity was done the students were assigned review sheets for their upcoming test
- we also watched two short movie clips to help review some earlier concepts

Study Jams - Elements and Compounds
Study James - Mixtures

Unit 2 Review Sheet

- finish review sheet for next class
- Alka Seltzer Labs are due and should be turned in!
- Facebook Projects due Friday 12/21

Science News
Engineering Organs

Day Forty Five Overview

Day Forty Five Overview

- we started class by going over the Balancing Equations Worksheet
- after we went over the worksheet the students had the rest of the class as a work day for their Facebook projects
- most students used their time wisely and got quite a bit of work done in the period


- Alka Seltzer Lab due Friday 12/14
- Facebook Project 12/21

Science News

A Scrapbook of the Universe

Day Forty Four Overview

Day Forty Four Overview

- in this class the students learned both how to count atoms in compounds as well as how to balance equations
- the students were introduced to the Law of Conservation of Mass
     - the Law of Conservation of Mass basically states that matter is never created or destroyed, atoms are just rearranged
     - this was used as the basis for explaining to the students why they even need to balance equations
- the students were assigned a worksheet to help them practice balancing equations

Balancing Equations Worksheet

- we had some time at the end of class for the students to begin their homework and ask me questions if need be
- I also invited any students to come in and see me for extra help if they were confused


- Balancing Equations Sheet due next class
- Alka Seltzer Lab due Friday 12/14
- Facebook Project due Friday 12/21

Science News

Mistletoe Helps Feed Forests

Facebook Page Template

Use this Powerpoint as a Template for making your Facebook project

Facebook Project Template

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day Forty Three Overview

Day Forty Three Overview

- for a warm up the class looked over the steps for the experiment that the class had completed at the end of the previous period
- the class then completed their Alka Seltzer Labs
     - the lab involved testing whether or not stirring or water temperature has an impact on the solubility of an Alka Seltzer tablet in water
     - the students then answered questions involving what steps of the scientific method were used in the experiment
- when the students had completed the lab they were asked to complete 5 other experiments of their choosing based on the knowledge they has just acquired

Solubility Challenge

- Alka Seltzer Lab due Friday 12/14
- Facebook project due Friday 12/21

Science News
Turning Pull Into Push

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day Forty Two Overview

Day Forty Two Overview

- as a class we went over the homework assignment that dealt with using the solubility curves

- there was some initial confusion because there is quite a bit to read and be familiar with in one of these graphs but after going over each problem the students seemed much more comfortable
- after going over the homework we started working on a lab that dealt with the concept of solubility, something we had taken notes on the class period prior

- in class we started the lab and wrote up a procedure for what the students would work on the next day in class
- after the early stages of the lab the students took notes on the last two kinds of mixtures, suspensions and colloids

- Alka Seltzer Lab is due Friday 12/14
- Facebook project is due Friday 12/21

Science News

Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Gizmo Sign On

Ms. Krueger has graciously signed us up for another gizmo trial, that those of you who are still late with your labs can use.

id: victorjuniorhighschool
password: krueger

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day Forty One

Day Forty One

- warmed up with the question "If you were at home, how would you make something dissolve quicker than normal?  What would you do?"
- students came up with great answers including ...
     - heat the liquid
     - break up pieces of what you dissolving
     - add pressure
- we took notes on the specifics of solutions and also solubility
- introduced some new vocabulary
     - solute
     - solvent
     - solubility
     - saturated
     - unsaturated
- showed the students solubility curves and how to use them to predict how much of a solute will dissolve in water (the solvent) at various temperatures

- finish solubility graph worksheet (it will be checked next class)
Solubility Graph HW

Science News!
HYDROglyphics - Messages in Water

Day Forty Overview

Day Forty Overview

- warmed up with the question "Why do we not just have elements everywhere?  Isn't everything we need made of elements?  Why would we need anything else?"
- students gave great answers, mostly dealing with the concept that even though everything is made of elements we mostly use those elements as "building blocks" for the molecules that are used in life
- we then took notes on what a compound is and why they are important
- we listed some important compounds
- compounds must ...
     - be chemically combined
     - can only be separated chemically
     - have unique properties from the elements that form them

Compounds Video


- make up any late work
- begin thinking about your favorite element, start to do some research that you would use in a future project about that favorite element

Science News
Quantum Thermodynamics - How Atoms Soak Up Their Surroundings

Day Thirty Nine Overview

Day Thirty Nine Overview

- worked on a marshmallow atom activity
- reinforced how to find protons, neutrons, and electrons
- students had to interpret a model marshmallow atom and make their own model

Marshmallow Atoms

- after making their atoms the students worked on transferring their notes from the first day of the unit into their note packets

- make up any late work

Science News
Visualizing the Structures of Molecules

Day Thirty Eight Overview

Day Thirty Eight Overview

- warmed up with a challenge to the student where I asked "how many atoms are in one grain of salt?"
     - students were amazed by the number, 120,000,000,000,000,000!
- the students watched a TedTalk video which explained just how small an atom is through the use of analogies

Just How Small is an Atom?

- students took notes on what the information in a periodic table square actually means

Element Atomic Info Notes

- students were then able to take a square on the periodic table and figure out exactly how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are in one atom of that elements
     - they were able to do this by using the atomic number and the atomic mass
- students practiced this skill with a few elements on the periodic table
- the students then used the information they had determined, and applied it to drawing pictures of atoms of specific elements

- draw a picture of one atom of an element with an atomic number greater than 10
- it will be checked the next day in class

Science News
Oil-Dispersing Chemicals Had Little Effect on Gulf Oil Spill

Day Thirty Seven Overview

Day Thirty Seven Overview

- took 10 minutes or so to clean out binders
     - we kept both previous note packets and our vocab sheet in our binders
- began taking notes on the Introduction to Elements

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Note Packet

     - we did not have note packets in yet so we took notes on a separate sheet of paper
- what is a metal, non-metal, and metalloid
- gave the students some examples of each

- make up any late work (gizmos, stories, tests/quizzes)

Science News
New Way to Protect Historic Limestone Buildings

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day Thirty Six Overview

Day Thirty Six Overview

- finished watching the video on the greatest discoveries in chemistry

Greatest Discoveries in Chemistry

- challenged the students to make a list of all the elements that they could think of
     - the students were allowed to work in groups of three on this activity
- the ticket out the door for the day was for the students to write a paragraph with at least 5 sentences that answered the following questions
     - what was the most important discovery that you saw?
     - what makes it important?
     - what makes it more important than all the others?
     - how do we feel the effects of this discovery presently in our day to day lives?
- the students were also given an extra credit crossword puzzle to complete if they finished all of their other work

Science News

Harnessing Photons From the Sun for Electricity

- make up any late work (check the missing work board and get your name off of it!!!!)

Day Thirty Five Overview

Day Thirty Five Overview

- students took a test on the properties of matter, phases of matter, and phase changes
- after the test the students started watching a video on the greatest discoveries in the history of chemistry

Greatest Discoveries in Chemistry


- eat a TON of Turkey!!!

Day Thirty Four overview

Day Thirty Four Overview

- reviewed for upcoming test with a day of jeopardy
- the winning teams were given bonus points on their upcoming test


- study for test

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Funny Science

Day Thirty Three Overview

Day Thirty Three Overview

- used most of class for students to finish up work on their Inspiration documents
- students were reminded that a test is coming up soon and this Inspiration activity is valuable review time

- complete review sheet (will be checked next class)
Test Review Sheet
- finish up e-learning activity (11/16 Red and Blue 11/20 Orange and Green)

Science News
Computer Memory Could Increase Five Fold

Day Thirty Two Overview

Day Thirty Two Overview

- we began class by taking a quiz on the phase change diagram
- the quiz involved labeling the diagram but mostly interpreting and understanding the diagram
- after the quiz I introduced the next activity, making a Inspiration document by using all of the vocabulary that we have learned in this matter unit
- Inspiration is a mapping program that allows the user to make sense of a great deal of information by turning it into a concept map, complete with pictures, links, and sounds
- a completed Inspiration document could even be used for studying, or to give a presentation
- the students were given a set of words and tasked with completing a Inspiration document by using all of those words, along with a few others
- this document along with notes and a study guide is what the students will use to study for their exam

Inspiration Activity Instructions

- finish e-learning activity by due date (11/16 Red and Blue 11/20 Orange and Green)
- start to study for test

Science News

Day Thirty One Overview

Day Thirty One Overview

- students began class by finishing up work on their e-learning activity for the phases of matter
- they were allowed approximately 40 minutes of class work time on this activity
- after the activity we took some notes on the phase change diagram that graphically links the concepts that the students learned about during phase changes

- the students were told that there would be a quiz on this material the next class so they should not only know how to label the diagram, but how to interpret and understand it
- we emphasized that during phase changes, the temperature of the material does not change

- continue work on your pet ice cube story
- study for your phase change diagram quiz

Science News
Nanoscale Device Makes Light Travel Infinitely Fast

Day Thirty Overview

Day Thirty Overview

- began class by taking notes on phases changes
     - melting, freezing, boiling / evaporation, condensation, and sublimation too
- we learned two new vocabulary words ... endothermic and exothermic
- in exothermic processes energy exits
- in endothermic processes energy is added
- with the second half of class we began work on a phase change e-learning activity that made use of the gizmo software at explore e-learning
- students worked for the rest of class on the online activity

Phase Changes E-Learning

- online activity will be due Friday (11/16) for Red and Blue classes and Tuesday (11/20) for Orange and Green classes
- write a one page story about your "pet ice cube" be sure to include the words solid, liquid, gas, plasma, melting, freezing, boiling, and condensation in your story
     - extra points for including sublimation

Science News
A Wet Way to Better Burning

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day Twenty Nine Overview

Day Twenty Nine Overview

- began class by watching some videos that showed applications of OObleck in media
    - OObleck on a car speak, OObleck on the Ellen show, and OObleck on Mythbusters
- told the students that by experimenting with the OObleck and watching the Bill Nye video students in the class that our visual and tactile learners would be better able to grasp the material
- we then began to take notes on the states of matter ... solid, liquid, gas, and plasma
- we watched a short video clip on the applications of plasma

Plasma: The Fourth State of Matter

- states of matter crossword (due next class)

Science News
Curiosity Finds Methane on Mars

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day Twenty Eight Overview

Day Twenty Eight Overview

- completed a warm-up worksheet to help understand where everyone is in understanding the properties of matter

Identifying Physical and Chemical Changes
- also helped to get everyones brain on track before the quiz
- took a quiz on the properties of matter
    - the quiz mostly dealt with applying vocabulary
- watched a Bill Nye video that dealt with the phases of matter
    - this video and the previous day's OObleck activity will serve as a solid introduction to the next mini unit, the phases of matter

- work on being more awesome than you already are!  this may be hard for some of you!

Science News

The Sharp Shape of Frozen Water

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day Twenty Seven Overview

Day Twenty Seven Overview

- we began class by finishing up any lab work that was left over from the previous period
     - mixed silver nitrate with salt water
     - mixed hydrochloric acid with magnesium ribbon
- we then came back to class and worked in groups in two to indentify phases of matter "deal breakers"
     - what makes something solid?  liquid?  gas?
- we experimented with the non-newtonian liquid "oobleck" and tried to make conclusions about what it was and what properties it had
     - after messing with oobleck what do you think it is?

To be or not to be ... Solid Liquid or Gas

- finish "to be or not to be solid liquid and gas" worksheet
- study for a properties of matter quiz

Sleuth Finds the Truth in Ghost Stories

Day Twenty Six Overview

Day Twenty Six Overview

- got into groups to explain rationale behind different picture in the collages
     - why did you use it?
     - what does it stand for?

- also explained in groups the choices for words in the venn diagrams
- watched a video on the properties of matter
     - the video explained what matter was as well as went all the way into explaining when something is a chemical change
- after the video we went into the lab room to work on first hand examples of some more properties of matter
- the students had to fill out an observation table based on what they saw in the lab room

Physical and Chemical Changes Lab

- catch up on old work

Science News
Photos of Hurricane Sandy From Space

Day Twenty Five Overview

Day Twenty Five Overview

- we finished up watching science demonstrations and identifying what property of matter the demonstration showed and whether or not it was physical or chemical

Matter Demonstrations
Matter Properties Table

- we then worked in groups to fill out a venn diagram that asked the students to use vocabulary words to describe physical change, chemical change, and both
- the students were then asked to use their knowledge base and their venn diagram to help them construct collages, one for physical changes and one for chemical changes

Describing Matter Venn Diagram


- finish venn diagram and collage by next class period
- the collage does not need to be in color but a good deal of effort needs to be put forth

Science News

Can't Blame The Superstorm on Climate Change - Not Yet

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day Twenty Four Overview

Day Twenty Four Overview

- began the class by posing the question "Would you be able to determine what kind of matter you had if you were not told what it was?  Would the physical properties on your chart enough to know exactly what matter it was?"
- class discussion lead to the fact that while many of these properties are descriptive, some are more specific than others
- we finished up our observations and shared our findings with the class to finish our matter chart
- we then took notes in our properties of matter note packet all the way through density
- then as a class we watched a number of scientific demonstrations and the students were tasked with knowing what property was being demonstrated and if it was physical or chemical

Teacher Tube Demonstrations
Matter Properties Table

- study for vocabulary quiz that will be next class period

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day Twenty Three Overview

Day Twenty Three Overview

- began class with a ticket in the door that asked the students if they were able to define the terms condense, conductive, malleable, and ductile
- we then as a class took a practice vocabulary quiz that asked many true false questions regarding the new vocabulary we have started to learn
- after going over the vocabulary we then began to take notes in our Properties of Matter packet
- we took notes on both physical and chemical properties

Properties of Matter Notes Packet

- after taking notes we then did an in class activity where the students were asked to explore a number of different examples of matter
- the students were asked to determine whether or not the matter had a number of physical properties

Properties of Matter Chart


- make up any late work

Science NEWS!
Assembly of Nano-Machine Resembles Human Muscle

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day Twenty Two Overview

Day Twenty Two Overview

- we began class with a ticket IN the door question
     - "Matter is all around us.  What is matter?  What is matter made of?  How would you measure matter?"
- we then reviewed some old vocabulary terms and introduced some new vocabulary terms on our vocabulary sheet
- some terms that were introduced were physical properties, chemical properties, malleable, ductile, flammable, reactive, conductive, oxidize, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, melting, freezing, boiling, condensing
- vocabulary took most of the class but at the end there were a couple other activities
- we role played as molecules how we would act if we were part of a solid, liquid, or gas
- we also watched a video where a scientist described various states of matter and used a vacuum to turn liquid nitrogen into solid nitrogen!
States of Matter Video


- catch up on any late work

Day Twenty One Overview

Day Twenty One Overview

- we began class with some class discussion to review concepts that had to do with the density of liquids
     - If liquids were in a cup which ones would flow to the bottom?  Which ones would stay on top?  Would all of them just mix and not separate out into layers?
- I had the class try to predict what order the following liquids would separate out into ... water, honey, pancake syrup, alcohol, dish soap, and vegetable oil
- after all of the class predictions we went over what the properties of dense and not dense liquids are
- I then told the class the answer to their prediction problem and got them started on completing their own "Density Tower"
- the finished products looked something like this

- the students were asked to complete an accompanying worksheet that will be counted as a lab grade
Density Tower of Liquid

- complete Density Tower worksheet by next class

Science News
Offsetting Global Warming

Day Twenty Overview

Day Twenty Overview

- we took the Unit 1A test in class


- relax and take a breather

Science News

Water Could Flow On Mars

Monday, October 15, 2012

Science is way cool!

Day Nineteen Overview

Day Nineteen Overview

- We warmed up with a question that asked "what careers do you think use density all of the time?"
- We also warmed up with a question that asked "why do you think density is important?"
- We played a review jeopardy game to go over the key concepts that will be covered on the unit test
- I told the students that if they still do not feel prepared for the test they should take out their skills and methods note packet and quiz themselves on the questions inside the packet.  If they can answer those questions then they should be fine for the test.


- Density of solids and liquids labs are due 10/16 (Tuesday) for ALL CLASSES
- Unit test is 10/16 for red class and 10/17 for orange and green class ... get studying!

When Galaxies Eat Galaxies

Day Eighteen Overview

Day Eighteen Overview

- as a class we went over the density review questions that the students completed the previous night for homework
- after going over the review questions the students took their density quiz
- after the density quiz students had independent work time to work on labs or other work that needed to be turned in


- labs due 10/16 for ALL CLASSES (this is because I forgot to hand back corrections to red class in time for them to make the neccessary changes)
- unit test 10/16 for red class 10/17 for orange and green classes ... get studying!

Science News
NASA's Ironman-like Exoskeleton

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day Seventeen Overview

Day Seventeen Overview

- this day was a day to challenge the students and see if they are able to apply what they have learned
- the students were broken into groups and tasked with the job of completing a density word problem
- the density word problem contained a set amount of given information and a number of statements that are meant to give clues as to how to find the rest of the information that was not given
- the first group to finish the activity correctly was given a prize (candy!)

Density Puzzle

- students were then directed to start working on the review questions at the end of their Skills and Methods note packet
- those questions will be used as review for a test in the near future
- the students were also warned that there will be a calculating Density, Mass, and Volume quiz the next day in class


- complete ALL of the review questions at the back of the Skills and Methods note packet (due the next day in class, will be checked)
- finish the Density of Solids and Liquids Labs (due 10/15 for Red and 10/16 for Green and Orange)

Science NEWS
Extending Einstein's Theory Beyond Light Speed

Friday, October 5, 2012

Day Sixteen Overview

Day Sixteen Overview

- in class we worked on a second lab that involved measuring and calculating density
- this particular lab involved determining the density of liquids while the previous day's lab involved calculating the density of solids
- students for the most part worked diligently and completed most of the lab during class time leaving little left to complete at home

Density of Liquids Lab

- students were reminded that if a lab is handed in before the due date I will check it over and hand it back, expecting that the student will then make corrections and hand it in again by the date that it is due


- density of solids and density of liquids labs are due next D day for Red Class and next E day for Orange and Green class

Science News!
How Order Arises from the Random Motion of Particles in the Cosmos

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day Fifteen Overview

Day Fifteen Overview

- class handed in the long term homework assignment (all review questions at the end of chapter 2) as well as the solving for mass, volume, and density worksheet
- reviewed the procedures for lab
- reviewed what a regular and irregular object is and how to find their respective volumes
     - regular object volume is found using a ruler (cm^3)
     - irrengular object volume is found using a graduated cylinder or a displacement can (mL)
- completed all the measurements in lab

Density of Solids Lab

- Density of Solids Lab due next D day for Red class and next E day for Orange and Green class

Science NEWS!
Sticky paper offers cheap, easy solution for paper-based diagnostics

Day Fourteen Overview

Day Fourteen Overview

- completed a class warm-up activity where I asked the students to rank 7 household objects in order from lowest density to highest density
- corrected and went over Solving for Density Worksheet
- worked on a worksheet as a class to help understand what objects can tell us about their density when they float or sink
Float or Sink Sheet
- started working on a worksheet where the students solved not just for density, but for mass and volume as well
     - whatever was not finished in class was assigned as homework
Solving for Mass Volume and Density Worksheet
- if there was extra time the students had time to work on homework

- read chapter 2 in the textbook and answer all of the review questions at the end of the chapter (due 10/3 for Red and due 10/4 for Orange and Green)
- Mystery Object Density worksheet is due today (10/1 for Red, 10/2 for Orange, 10/4 for Green)
- Solving for Mass Volume and Density worksheet due next class (10/3 for Red, 10/4 for Orange, and 10/5 for Green)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day Thirteen Overview

Day Thirteen Overview

- finished the notes in the Skills and Methods Note Packet
- demonstrated what the relationship between Density and Buoyancy looks like
- used a web simulation at to demonstrate to the students that density does not change under normal conditions
- no matter how large or small a piece of material is, the Density of that material is always the same
- I then told the students that "i lied" and that there are two things that can change the density of a material ... pressure and temperature
- showed the students a web simulation that demonstrated the motion of molecules as they heat and cool at ...
- completed an in class activity called "Mystery Object Density" where the students used the web simulation at to make measurements and determine the Density of mystery materials
Mystery Object Density
- worked on a worksheet where the students just solved for Density
Solving just for Density


- read Chapter 2 in the textbook and answer all of the review questions at the end of the chapter (due 10/3 for Red Class and due 10/4 for Orange and Green Class)
- finish the Mystery Object Density Sheet if not already finished in class

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day Twelve Overview

Day Twelve Overview

- worked on and went over the density practice worksheet #1
- went over all the questions as a class
- gave the class work time to start the homework due next week (review questions at the end of Chapter 2 in the textbook)


- read Chapter 2 in the textbook and complete all of the review questions at the end of the chapter
(due 10/3 for Red class and due 10/4 for Orange and Green class)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homework policy reminder

Hey Everybody!

Just a reminder ... when you hand in a lab early and I hand it back with circled questions and comments that lab is not graded or done.  You still have to make the corrections and hand the lab back in by the day it is due.  I am helping you out by looking it over for you before it is due, you have to remember to make the corrections and hand it in again!

Mr. H

Day Eleven Overview

Day Eleven Overview

- reviewed the two assigned homework problems that asked to solve for mass and volume
- took notes on graphing density and buoyancy
- practiced solving for density on a worksheet in class (hw if not finished)
Solving for Density Worksheet
- answered a "ticket out the door" question that involved explaining density and whether or not it is possible for something with a large mass to still have a low density


- read chapter 2 in the textbook and answer all of the review questions at the end of the chapter
(due 10/3 for Red class and due 10/4 for Orange and Green class)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day Ten Overview

Day Ten Overview

- finished the NYS Pre-assessment
- handed in Mass and Volume Lab
(Due 9/21 for Red and 9/24 for Orange and Green)
- introduced the concept of Density
     - the amount of mass or molecules in a certain volume
- showed the "Mickey Does Videos" triangle for solving Density math problems
- filled out accompanying notes
- watched a Bill Nye video clip for the concept of Buoyancy

- finish Density practice problems 4 and 6
(checked next class 9/25)

Science News!
Imposters in the Orion Nebula

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day Nine Overview

Day Nine Overview

- made last measurements for our gummi bear lab
- students made observations about how drastically the bears had changed appearance after being soaked in water overnight
- started NYS pre-assessment for Science 8


- labs are due soon!
(Friday 9/21 for Red Class and Monday 9/24 for Orange and Green)

Science NEWS!!!!
Materials for Converting Waste Heat to Energy Pass Critical Milestone

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day Eight Overview

Day Eight Overview

- took a quiz on scientific measurement and lab equipment
- got started on a gummi bear lab to introduce the concept of density
Gummi Bear Lab
- practiced using a ruler to determine the volume of a solid
- used an electronic scale to find mass
- determined the density every two minutes by using the formula D = M/V


- finish your Mass and Volume Lab
(due 9/21 for Red class and due 9/24 for Green and Orange classes)

Science News
A Step Forward for Fusion

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day Seven Overview

Day Seven Overview

- worked independently on a practice Measurement quiz
Measurement Quiz Review Sheet
- class was told that the quiz will be very similar to the review sheet
- the class broke up into groups to correct their sheets and come to a consensus on answers
- we then stayed in groups and played a review jeopardy game for candy!


- review for the quiz that will be next class period
- work on your lab
(due 9/21 for Red and 9/24 for Green/Orange)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fun Science News

More cool Science News! (this could be one of you guys some day!)

Science oddities win Golden Goose

Day Six Overview

Day Six Overview

- worked in the Lab
- completed the Measuring Mass and Volume Lab Activity
     - measured the mass and volume for a number of different objects including rocks, wood blocks, salt, and weighing paper

Measuring Mass and Volume


- work on your graphing packet as well as the Lab
- Measuring Mass and Volume Lab will be due 9/21 for Red Class and 9/24 for Green and Orange Classes
- no due date yet for graphing packet

Science in the News

An Electric Car That Actually Goes Far

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day Five Overview

Day Five Overview

- collected Measuring Things in Science worksheet
- worked through Measurement and Graphing notes in the note packet
     - reviewed most of the information that was covered during the Measurement Jigsaw activity
     - reviewed how to set up a graph (independent and dependent variables, x and y axis, title, units, etc ...)
- gave students some time to work on a introduction to graphic worksheet that will be due down the road

Grasping Graphing
Interpreting Your Data
Introduction to Graphs


- get started working on the introduction to graphing packet that will be due down the road

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Check out this website!

Hey Everybody,

I was told about a great website to use for definitions and/or general knowledge questions.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day Four Overview

Day Four Overview

- collected HW (Safety in the Lab)
- ran a jigsaw activity to learn about all the different types of measurement that we will be using in Physical Science (Mass, Volume, Length, Time, Temperature, Density, Area)
- small groups presented to the class about their specific type of measurement and presented key information
- groups that were not presenting at the time listened to the presenting groups and filled in their Measurement Jigsaw sheet
Measurement Jigsaw


- Complete the Measurement packet (don't worry about the last page, I have not gone over Lab Equipment in detail yet)
Making Measurements Packet

Due 9/13 for Orange and Green ... Due 9/12 for Red

Science News
Heat Resistant Makeup

Friday, September 7, 2012

Day Three Overview

Day Three Overview

- worked in groups to review what happened in the baking soda and vinegar experiment
     - was anything different?
     - would you change anything if you did this another time?
- reviewed safety practices for when we are in the lab
Safety Rules!
     - signed safety contract
- filled out a safety review sheet using what we learned in class
Safety In The Lab
- reviewed the steps and parts of the scientific method
     - differences between observation and inference


- finish the scientific method notes and/or safety worksheet if not done already in class
(Due 9/10 for Red Class, 9/13 for Green, 9/13 for Orange because we ran out of sheets)

Science News
Voyager Chasing Solar System's Edge

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day Two Overview

Day Two Overview

- Reviewed some key vocabulary
- Took notes ...
Note Packet
- Introduced the main concepts in Physical Science
     - Matter and Energy
- Introduced the main points of both Chemistry and Physics
- Introduced the Scientific Method
    - Explained how the Scientific Method related to the previous day's demonstration
- The class designed a controlled experiment in groups and made observations about what occured

- Find definitions for the 5 assigned Vocabulary terms (#'s 1,4,5,18,19 - observation, inference, matter, physical change, chemical change)
Vocab Sheet
(due 9/7 for Red, 9/10 for Green/Orange)

Science News
Tiny Mechanical Scale Weighs Molecules One at a Time

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day One Overview

Day One Overview

- Welcome to 8th Grade and Science Class!
- filled out "a little about me" cards
- signed out textbooks
- went over the class rules and expectations
- Mr. Halloran performed a baking soda and vinegar demonstration
Magically Inflating Balloon Sheet


- sign and complete class contract (9/7 for Red Class and 9/10 for Green and Orange Class)
Class Rules and Expectations (Contract)

Science NEWS!!!!
New York Times - Project Aims to Harness The Power of Waves

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome to Physical Science!

Welcome to Physical Science everybody!  I hope you had a wonderful and exciting summer and are psyched to start the new school year.  As school gets going expect posts to start showing up on this blog with links to handouts and activities that I have given out in class.  I will also be sharing links to science in the news and other things that I feel that you students should be checking out!

Mr H.